

The development of production and the economic sustainability of a company are intrinsically linked to its workforce. Manufacturing processes, for the most part, rely on human labor. Every task performed is ultimately a product of human effort, and the efficiency of that effort directly reflects in the company’s economic performance indicators. This article explores the critical connection between workforce management and economic sustainability, covering key aspects of personnel policy, including the formation of a healthy and capable team, the composition and qualifications of personnel based on demographic factors, and their strategic placement within the production process. It highlights the importance of timely adaptation to changes in production and working conditions, alongside the integration of scientific and technological advancements, and the promotion of novel production techniques. Furthermore, the article provides a case study analyzing the current state of workforce utilization within a specific economic entity, culminating in actionable recommendations aimed at optimizing employee contributions, especially their intellectual and physical potential.


labor force labor productivity working time the wage fund for labor production process main direction of effective use of workforce


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How to Cite

EFFICIENT USE OF THE COMPANY’S WORKFORCE AS A KEY FACTOR IN ENSURING ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY. (2025). Advanced Economics and Pedagogical Technologies, 2(1), 390-397. https://doi.org/10.60078/3060-4842-2025-vol2-iss1-pp390-397