The article discusses the issues of results-oriented budgeting. Results-based budgeting in a complex nonlinear system requires the formation of a clear financial goal. This also requires the formation of some basic indicators to determine even non-financial factors, norms, values that can be converted into budget revenues and expenses. The purpose of budget formation and execution is to achieve specific results in accordance with the strategic directions, goals and objectives of state budget policy.
The author proposes a model for combining budget management with the “target funnel (vortex)” method, which ensures that budget expenditures are directed towards a target with the efficiency of their use in the financial and economic space. Performance management requires the work to be done to achieve them and the resources that must be expended in the process of doing that work. The paradigm that integrates the management of these three components is performance budgeting. The hallmark of results-based budgeting is flexibility. This flexibility allows the program administrator to adjust the annual financial plan based on the results of systematic monitoring of management activities, decision-making and measures to further improve public administration. It will also be possible to reward subjects who achieve the best results.
budgeting result, “target funnel (vortex)” method adjustment efficiency management implementation monitoringReferences
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