

This article explores the essence of service quality in the tourism sector, the factors influencing it, and its strategic importance for tourism companies. The evolution of the concept of service quality, its theoretical foundations, and key frameworks, such as the SERVQUAL model, are analyzed in detail. The paper highlights the cultural, social, and technological dimensions of service quality, as well as the role of human emotions and the integration of modern technologies in its enhancement. The review of theoretical and empirical literature suggests that improving service quality is vital for achieving sustainable development in the tourism sector.


service quality tourism service quality factors


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How to Cite

FACTORS INFLUENCING SERVICE QUALITY IN TOURISM AND ITS IMPORTANCE FOR TOURISM SPHERE. (2024). Economic Development and Analysis, 2(11), 126-132. https://doi.org/10.60078/2992-877X-2024-vol2-iss11-pp126-132