

Due to the Internet technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has
become popular in recent times, but many companies are reluctant to switch to a remote work system. Therefore, the research aims to explore the remote work experience of companies in order to determine the economic advantages of remote work, as well as to develop scenarios for remote work. Research methodology is based on case analysis, comparative analysis, economic analysis and scenario method. According to the results of the study, companies can save on building maintenance costs, electricity and Internet bills by using remote work practices. However, it
becomes difficult to control employees when working from home, and only highly automated companies can adopt this practice.


outsourcing hybrid work style telecommuting mobile workers scenario method telemarketing remote work work from home


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How to Cite

ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES OF REMOTE WORK FROM THE EMPLOYER’S POINT OF VIEW. (2024). Economic Development and Analysis, 2(6), 177-187.