

Cloud technologies, artificial intelligence and analytical programs are becoming increasingly important in small business management. They help small businesses develop their activities, increase efficiency, reduce costs and optimize the decision-making process. The article describes the meaning, essence and mechanisms for the implementation of innovative digital technologies in simplifying financial management and increasing the efficiency of small businesses. By introducing innovative technologies into small business processes, a synthesis of conditions for systemic management was carried out. Innovative development of small businesses, the innovative environment and the potential for innovation are considered and, based on this, are an important factor. The possibilities of accelerating business processes, reducing costs and increasing the level of accuracy and transparency of financial relations are analyzed.


small business innovation innovative activity innovative technologies financial management cloud technologies artificial intelligence analytics automation of accounting processes


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How to Cite

TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN SMALL BUSINESS. (2024). Advanced Economics and Pedagogical Technologies, 1(2), 94-104.