
The topic of the scientific article submitted by the author must correspond to the direction of the Journal of Advanced Economics and Pedagogical Technologies.

  1. Articles should mainly be empirical and fundamental research, case studies, literature analysis and review, meta-analysis, theory, practice, methodology, professional scientific reviews, and other types of descriptions.
  2. The manuscript of the article must not have been previously published or simultaneously submitted to another journal.
  3. It is recommended that the article contains the following specific points in accordance with international standards:

Topic. The topic of the article should be formulated as briefly and clearly as possible, clearly reflecting the research direction of the article (in Uzbek, Russian, and English).

Thematic Classifier. UDC - Universal Decimal Classification. The UDC number should be indicated at the beginning of each article. To determine the UDC number and obtain additional information, you can use the following link (

Information about the Author. This section includes the author's name and surname, affiliation (i.e., place of work or study, with the organization name written in full without abbreviations), email address, ORCID number, and contact phone numbers (all in Uzbek, Russian, and English). The ORCID number is formed on the website The following Uzbek and Russian video tutorials cover the issues of obtaining an ORCID number and registering on the website.

Abstract. The abstract of the article should not exceed 100 words and should briefly describe the overall content of the article. The abstract should highlight the research problem, its relevance, the methodology used to address the research problem, research results, and a brief outline of the author's scientific and practical contribution based on the full content of the article (in Uzbek, Russian, and English).

Keywords. Keywords are the main words that briefly reveal the content and purpose of the article. To ensure the article is easily found in search engines such as or, it is recommended that each keyword is repeated in the main text on average 5-10 times (in Uzbek, Russian, and English).

Introduction. The introduction highlights the research problem, its goals, and objectives. This section explains the rationale for choosing the research topic, its relevance, and scientific significance. Additionally, the introduction provides a brief description of the research object. The introduction also briefly explains the content of the following sections.

Literature Review (Review of Methodological Materials). The literature review on the topic demonstrates the author's knowledge and understanding of the research problem. The literature review involves assessing the existing intellectual space and creating a specific map based on it. The literature review includes a critical analysis aimed at enhancing knowledge on the topic and clarifying research questions. Any research is essentially built on the foundation of previously created knowledge in the field. The literature review is mainly based on the most recent journal articles and other sources of information (articles on the topic can be found using keywords in the search engine).

Research Methodology. The research methodology is one of the most important parts of the study, representing the overall map of the research, the research path, and the roadmap leading to the goal (result). The research methodology includes defining the philosophy and direction of the research, developing a research plan, which is the main plan leading to the solution of the research problem, determining the methods for obtaining the necessary information and research ethics, selecting the research object (sampling), using primary or secondary data sources, making rational decisions on defining the research strategy (observation, experiment, case study, survey, ethnographic, archival research, etc.), ultimately leading to the solution of the problem. The completeness of the methodological section is manifested through the justification of the reliability and validity of the chosen research path.

Analysis and Discussion (may be included in the literature review depending on the content of the article). The analytical part of the study involves the analysis of the collected data using pre-determined methods of analysis (mathematical models and others) specified in the research methodology. This section presents only the results of the analysis; the discussion of the results is the task of the next section of the article.

The analysis of the results involves comparing the results with the results and conclusions of the literature review on the topic, as well as discussing them through personal comments. This section serves to interpret the research results.

Conclusion and Suggestions. The conclusion and suggestions include general conclusions on the goals and objectives of the research, the main results of the research, and the entire research process, as well as suggestions and directions for future research derived from this study.

List of References. This section contains a list of all sources used in the study. All references used in the article are listed in this section in alphabetical order in accordance with Harvard style requirements. Detailed information can be found at the following link.

The number of references should be at least 10 sources, of which at least 50% should be scientific publications from the last 5 years and at least 30% should be foreign sources. It is also recommended to include at least one source published in this journal.

  1. The text of the article must be based on at least 70% of the author's personal research. Submitted articles that do not meet the established norms when checked for plagiarism will not be published, and payment will not be refunded.
  2. The text of the article should be typed in "Times New Roman" font, size 14, with a line spacing of 1. Page margins should be 2 cm on all sides (right, left, top, and bottom). The maximum length of the article is not limited, but the minimum length should not be less than 8 pages.
  3. Table titles should be placed above them, and figure titles should be placed below them.
  4. References in the text of the article should be formatted according to the requirements of the Harvard style as follows:

For a single-author article (Surname, year) - for example, (Ahmedov, 2014);

For a two-author article (Surname and Surname, year) - for example, (Ahmedov and Sobirov, 2013);

For an article with three or more authors (Surname et al., year) - for example, (Ahmedov et al., 2013);

For several separate articles (Surname, year; Surname, year... (in alphabetical order)) - for example, (Ahmedov, 2014; Sobirov, 2013; ...).

  1. Articles may be submitted in Uzbek, Russian, or English.
  2. Articles that do not meet the established requirements will not be forwarded to reviewers and will be returned to the author for revision with an editorial conclusion about non-compliance with the requirements.
  3. All articles are reviewed by the editorial board. If necessary, they may be sent for review to experts. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the data and information presented in the article.
  4. All processes related to the publication of the article are carried out on a paid basis for each article.