
  • Scientific research center “Scientific foundations and problems of the development of the economy of Uzbekistan” under Tashkent State University of Economics


This article analyzes the importance of effective tax administration in the context of the national economy. Detailed information is provided on the theoretical foundations of tax administration, its tasks, and main functions. The evolution of the tax system, and modern trends, including directions for improving tax administration within the framework of digitalization and globalization processes, are studied. The article also develops proposals for developing the national tax system based on international experience. Innovative approaches and strategic measures to strengthen trust between tax authorities and taxpayers and increase compliance with the law are discussed.


tax administration economic development efficiency digitalization international experience social justice


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How to Cite

ON THE IMPORTANCE OF TAX ADMINISTRATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. (2024). Economic Development and Analysis, 2(11), 404-412. https://doi.org/10.60078/2992-877X-2024-vol2-iss11-pp404-412