

To determine the directions for improving corporate culture in joint-stock companies, attention must be paid to its advantages and problems. An effective corporate culture directly influences the activities and long-term prospects of joint-stock companies. Such a culture is one of the most important factors for the success of joint-stock companies and is crucial in maintaining a competitive edge. Moreover, it affects the ethical virtues, dedication, work productivity, physical health, and emotional well-being of individuals in the organization. This article analyzes the problems of corporate culture in joint-stock companies and identifies ways to effectively address them. It also examines the importance of corporate culture and its role in the company's operations, as well as the impact of culture on economic indicators. Issues such as insufficient development of corporate culture, weak communication among employees, and non-compliance with ethics and values are analyzed. Solutions proposed include strategic approaches to developing corporate culture, regular educational and training programs, creating an open communication and trust environment, and developing and implementing ethical codes. The research provides practical recommendations for improving and effectively managing corporate culture in joint-stock companies.


corporate culture corporate governance employee satisfaction company mission organizational behavior


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How to Cite

"PROBLEMS OF CORPORATE CULTURE IN JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES AND THEIR SOLUTIONS". (2024). Economic Development and Analysis, 2(3), 317-328. https://doi.org/10.60078/2992-877X-2024-vol2-iss3-pp317-328