

Today, the shrinking volume of economic resources and the globalization of the international economy further increase the relevance of the introduction of an innovative economy in ensuring sustainable economic growth in the country. The economy of Uzbekistan is gradually moving from farming based on raw materials and agriculture, as it was before the 90s of the last century, to an innovative agricultural system that today produces and provides services for the production of finished consumer goods, the production of which is resource-saving and scientific. A significant in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of economic activity under the influence of the innovation system makes it necessary to ensure their proper combination within various industries and sectors of the economy. In turn, the process influenced by this combined system causes the need to ensure the fulfillment of a number of tasks aimed at the proper organization of financial and economic relations aimed at innovative activities.


global innovation system knowledge economy innovation infrastructure innovation fund innovation index scientific and technical development innovative brand innovation efficiency


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How to Cite

THE IMPORTANCE AND NECESSITY OF AN INNOVATIVE ECONOMY. (2024). Economic Development and Analysis, 2(11), 172-179.