

The increasing global focus on sustainable development has prompted a growing interest in understanding the roles of green innovation and digitization in fostering economic, environmental, and social sustainability, particularly within emerging economies like Uzbekistan.This study employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to investigate the pivotal roles of green innovation and digitization in fostering sustainable development within the context of Uzbekistan, emblematic of challenges and opportunities for emerging economies. Through a comprehensive conceptual analysis, the research assesses the impact of these initiatives on economic growth, environmental conservation, and social equity. The findings reveal significant contributions of green innovation and digitization to sustainable development, manifested in heightened economic efficiency, reduced environmental degradation, and enhanced social well-being. Emphasizing the indispensability of institutional support, financial incentives, and stakeholder engagement, the study underscores the imperative for effective adoption and integration of sustainable practices and technologies.


Green innovation digitization sustainable development economic growth environmental sustainability technology adoption Uzbekistan


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