- The topic of the research article submitted by the author should correspond to the direction of the scientific electronic journal “Economic Development and Analysis”.
- The articles are expected to be mainly empirical studies, case studies, literature analysis and review, meta-analysis, theory, practice, methodology, professional scientific review, and other studies.
- It is recommended that the article contain the following specific paragraphs within the framework of international standards:
Topic of the article. The topic of the article is formulated as briefly and concisely as possible, it should clearly express the research direction of the article.
Information about the author of the article. This part contains the last name, first name, patronymic of the author, place of work (i.e. place of work or study, only the name of the organization is written), e-mail address and contact numbers.
Abstract of the article. The abstract of the article is a part of the article of no more than 100 words, briefly explaining the general content of the article. The abstract of the article highlights the research problem, its relevance, the methodology for disclosing the research problem, the results of the research, as well as a summary of the author’s scientific and practical contribution based on the full content of the article.
Keywords. Keywords are words that most briefly reveal the content and aim of the article. In order for the article to be easily found and placed on the first pages in the search engine or, it is recommended to repeat each of the keywords in the main body of the article on average 5-10 times.
Introduction. The introduction mainly highlights the problem of the research, its goals and objectives. This part explains the reasons for choosing a research topic, its relevance and scientific significance. In addition, the introduction provides a brief description of the object of study. The introduction also contains the content of the following structural components of the article.
Literature review. A literature review on a topic is a part that shows the knowledge and ideas of the author about the problem under study. Literature review means assessing the scope of the existing intellectual field and creating a specific map based on it. Critical analysis is carried out in the literature review, and its purpose is to consolidate knowledge on a given topic, and further specify the research questions. In terms of its content, any research is created on the basis of previous knowledge created in this area. The literature review is mainly based on the latest journal articles in the field and other sources of information (relevant articles can be found using keywords in
Research methodology. The research methodology is one of the most essential parts of the research and is a general map of the research being conducted, the research path and the map lines leading to the aim (result). Research methodology is the definition of the philosophy and direction of the study, the design of the study, that is, the creation of a master plan leading to the solution of the research problem, determining the methods for obtaining the necessary information for the study and research ethics, choosing the research object (sampling), determining the path leading to a specific problem solving , set on the basis of making rational decisions to determine the decision to use primary or secondary sources of information and research strategies (observation, experiment, case studies, questioning, ethnographic, archival research, and others). The perfection of the methodological part is shown by the justification of the reliability and validity of the research method.
Analysis and discussion of the results (depending on the content of the article, it can also be included in the literature review). The analytical part of the research is the analysis of data collected using analysis methods (mathematical models, etc.) defined in advance in the research methodology. Only the results of the analysis method are expressed here; discussion of the results is the task of the next part of the article.
The results of the analytical part provide for comparison with the results and conclusions of the analysis of the literature on this issue, as well as a discussion of personal opinions. This part serves to interpret the research results.
Conclusions and proposals. This part represents specification of the aims and objectives of the research and answers to research questions, general conclusions on the main results of the study and the general process of the study, as well as suggestions and directions for future research activities based on the same study.
Reference. This section lists all references used in the research paper. All references used in the article should be listed in this section in alphabetical order in accordance with the requirements of the Harvard Citation Style:
surname and name of the author, (year), title of the book, address of the publication (Russia, Uzbekistan, etc.), name of the publishing house;
surname and name of the author, (year), title of the article, title of the journal, edition, number, pages.
- The text of the article should be typed in Times New Roman, size 14, recommended line spacing - 1. Page margins - 2 centimeters on each side (right, left, top, bottom). It is recommended that the minimum the article must constitute minimum 6 pages, while the maximum length of the article is not limited.
- The titles of the tables are given at the top, and the titles of the figures are at the bottom.
- The references given in the article are provided according to the requirements of the Harvard style:
For an article with one author (last name, year) - for example (Akhmedov, 2020);
For articles with two authors (Surname and Surname, year) - for example (Akhmedov and Sobirov, 2020);
For articles with more than two authors (Surname and others, year) - for example (Akhmedov and others, 2020);
For several individual articles (Last name, Year; Last name, Year... (in alphabetical order)) – for example (Akhmedov, 2020; Sobirov, 2020; …)
- Articles can be submitted in Uzbek, Russian or English.
- The articles that do not meet the specified requirements will not be submitted for review and will be returned to the author for revision with the conclusion of the editors on non-compliance with the requirements.
- All processes related to the publication of an article are carried out on a fee basis.