

This article summarizes the legal framework, objectives and stages of property valuation. After the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the field of assessment began to develop in our country, and at the same time its legal framework was also updated and improved. Laws Relating specifically to assessment activities are studied into two groups, General and private laws. The main document regulating the assessment activity is the law “on assessment”, the decision “on measures to further develop the market of assessment services”of June 1, 2018 PQ-3764 on the development of this activity, and the decisions “PQ-4381” of July 1, 2019 on further improvement of assessment activities and measures to simplify the mechanisms for the sale of enterprises with low.


assessment Activities Act 22 articles PQ-3764 legal documents Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Land Code


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How to Cite

LEGAL BASIS, GOALS AND STAGES OF PROPERTY ASSESSMENT. (2024). Economic Development and Analysis, 2(3), 193-200.