

The article describes a number of risk types that may arise as a result of the digitalization of traditional banking activities as a result of the transformation of banking activities and the level of risk may increase, the most common types of cyber threats aimed at bank customers and banks themselves and their specific aspects, New risk management systems in banks, steps of strategic bank risk management, and author's approaches to effective risk management in the digital environment are presented. Overall, this paper provides insights into the multi-faceted nature of risk posed by commercial banks in the face of transformation and digitization, and what can be done by banks to effectively manage and mitigate this pervasive risk factor and ensure sustainable growth for banks. provides information on the various methods used.


Risk electronic money digital technologies cyber threat operational risk


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How to Cite

DIGITAL CURRENCIES AND DIGITAL BANKING RISKS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. (2024). Economic Development and Analysis, 2(2), 143-154.