This research paper sheds light on how time and efficiency factors are evaluated in the process of managing investment projects. The main focus is on the opportunities to obtain economic benefits by increasing efficiency and shortening project implementation periods during the project life cycle. This topic is very relevant today and is considered as one of the main criteria for successful implementation of projects and increasing their economic efficiency. Decision-making on investment projects is often time-constrained and requires effective planning and management.
Theoretical and practical aspects of project management were studied in the research. In particular, efficiency criteria were analyzed to increase the time-saving opportunities and profitability of the projects. The impact of time management on the project economy has been thoroughly studied, and the possibilities of obtaining economic benefits by reducing the time in the implementation of various projects have been considered. The study analyzes the factors necessary to improve the effectiveness of project management, including the optimal allocation of financial resources, manpower and technological infrastructure. The impact of proper planning and effective use of time in project management on the investment process is shown using practical examples. In addition to theoretical foundations, examples based on Uzbekistan and international experience are presented in the work
investment projects project project management time time planning efficiency efficiency evaluation time management resourcesReferences
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