
  • Tashkent State University of Economics


In this article, the stock market of Uzbekistan and securities for choosing an investment portfolio for investors operating in the stock market are analyzed based on the CAPM model and other indicators. In addition, the development prospects of Uzbekistan's stock market, problems and their solutions are thoroughly researched. Investment portfolio analysis is an important tool used to evaluate the performance of investment portfolios in the capital market. This analysis involves evaluating various assets in the portfolio such as stocks and other financial instruments. In addition, the article explores the analysis necessary for investors to assess the risk and return of their investments and maximize their returns.


stock market of Uzbekistan CAPM model investment portfolio risky securities stock market indicators financial ratios portfolio risk


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How to Cite

INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS IN THE CAPITAL MARKET. (2023). Economic Development and Analysis, 1(1), 76-84.